Gaby Keeps Everything Together

Portrait of Gaby Bärtschi

Every Audit an Opportunity

She also hits the mark at IGP. Gaby has been responsible for Quality Management and Product Conformity for almost ten years. In 2020, she also took on management of the Quality Testing team. Alongside her team, Gaby ensures that IGP achieves good results in internal and external audits. Quality Testing makes sure the quality of IGP products conforms with high standards. Both aspects are vital for achieving lasting customer loyalty to IGP.  

She says quality management is her passion. Even though product conformity currently takes up more of her time. She likes it when processes run smoothly and efficiently. Audits rarely worry her. Instead, she sees every audit as an opportunity to further improve the processes at IGP.

Before joining IGP, Gaby worked for some years as a chemical laboratory technician in the cosmetics, food, and also phytopharmaceutical industries. She discovered her passion for quality management and completed further training in this field.

The Nitpicker

Gaby loves perfection and is happiest when everything she has organized runs smoothly. She even describes herself as a nitpicker. And she says her husband is just the same. He loves to organize vacations, and at home he’s responsible for home improvements. However, he has strict instructions to leave the garden alone because he can’t tell the difference between vegetables and weeds. So Gaby is responsible for the garden, the finances, and organizing social events. After 31 years of marriage, their roles are clearly defined. The couple know each other inside out and work as a perfect team. Gaby appreciates being able to rely on her partner completely. And their talents have also rubbed off on their daughters. Tanja works in the police force and Andrea is a graduate nurse in an accident and emergency department.

Political Thrillers Belong in the Travel Baggage

Gaby reads the newspaper from cover to cover every day. She even catches up with the papers when she’s been away from home without an online connection. But she reserves books for vacations. Because once she starts a book, Gaby can’t put it down. Above all she loves political thrillers.

She works out at the GymFit gym once a week. Her activities there don’t end with sports because she is also the club president and actuary. Gaby was also an active member of the Samaritans for almost 30 years.

Sustainable Living

Sustainability is important to Gaby. She does all she can to promote it at IGP. In her private life, she is also committed to shaping a future that will be livable for future generations. She only uses a car for work and on very few other occasions. To avoid packaging materials, she prefers to shop directly at farmers shops. In the Bärtschi home, waste is strictly sorted. The family collects plastic and makes sure it goes into recycling. Not a lot of people in Switzerland do that.

At the end of our interview, Gaby reflects that she may be a bit dull. But then she remembers that for Christmas she always bakes 14 different types of cookies, and that the children still love her home-baked bread and drop by at the weekend to share it. And also that she had a brief career in politics.  

Gaby; down to earth, assertive, and with many interests. She keeps everything together, at home and at IGP. Dull? Never!
